In the event of an auto accident, The General® can guide you through the claims process. Policyholders have access to claims representatives 24/7 to report an accident, file an auto insurance claim, watch helpful claims videos, or find answers to Frequently Asked Questions. Moreover, if you wish to speak directly with customer service, call 1-800-280-1416.
For car owners in the Sunshine State, Florida is a no-fault auto insurance state. That means, following most car accidents, victims seek to recover damages from the insurer.
Our independent agents have the expertise to help you select the right coverage for:
- The General Auto Insurance
- PIP and PDL Car Insurance
- SR-22 and SR-44 (Florida)
Purchasing no-fault coverage requires the purchase of minimum Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and Personal Damage Liability (PDL) insurance. We can also recommend additional protection where needed.
Download The General's Insurance App
To get The General Auto Insurance App click on the Apple App Store or Google Play and follow the instructions for a free download. The General’s App lets you manage your existing policy, make a payment, view your insurance ID card, or submit an accident claim.
We make purchasing insurance from The General Insurance Jacksonville easier. Call to ask us how! 1-877-957-3487.